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UHDS - EU0015 Mercedes ECU CRD2 (Delphi), CRD3, IAW 8Fx boot mode
UHDS - EU0020 ECU Bosch OBD
UHDS - EU0022 ECU Fiat Magneti Marelli IAW4A, 59, 5A
UHDS - EU0025 ECU Magneti Marelli Fiat 8Gxx, 9xx
UHDS - Fiat/Alfa/Lancia change KM by OBD (FTP1)
UHDS - FT0004 EDC16 (some models) OBD
UHDS - OL0001 Kline Functions OBD
UHDS - OL0002 CAN Functions OBD
UHDS - OL0003 Dump Tool Functions OBD